Tuesday, 2 February 2016


Many women have an unpleasant condition in the intimate area known as ”loose vagina”. This problem is aesthetic and very often it affects the intimate relationships between couples. A tight vagina is very important for a woman because it has many advantages, mainly for sex and otherwise. If you want to tighten your vagina muscles quickly, there are a few remedies and methods that you should try. These home cures are safe to use to tighten your vagina muscles quick since they are obtained from normal sources. These home solutions to tighten a loose vagina can dispose of different issues identified with the genital region, which is vaginal odor, and excess of vaginal white discharge. By utilizing these three ways, you will conclude whether you have a loose vagina: First, try to insert three fingers into your vagina at the same time- if there is no resistance, you probably have a loose vagina. Put your index finger into your vagina and attempt to contract your vaginal muscles. If the finger cannot be held by vaginal muscles you there is no doubt that you have a loose vagina. If your partner complains that he is not having as much satisfaction in bed and when it is hard for you to get an orgasm, you may have a loose vagina. *WAYS TO TREAT VAGINAL MUSCLES We present you some of the ways to tighten your vagina muscles fast: *Oak gall This is a Thai herb that contains a powerful soothing and lubricating compounds and will help you to tighten the walls of your vagina. *Gooseberries Boil some gooseberries in water and to store the resultant solution in a bottle. When you take a bath every day, it is recommended to apply some over your vagina. This will restore the elasticity and suppleness of your vagina in no time at all. Pueraria Mirifica This home remedy is known as a breast enlargement home remedy. Some experts explain that utilizing this natural home remedy to tighten your vag is very helpful, because it gives your vagina a firmer pull. Curcuma Comosa In a period of one month this herb will strengthen the wall of your vagina and the pelvic tissues. It also strengthens the walls of your uterus. *Aloe Vera is great for strengthening of the muscles in the vaginal region. It is also useful in preventing vaginal dryness and irritation. It is also used to attain fast relief from the genital problems. *Black Cohosh This is one of the best home remedies for women that want to tighten their vagina after an age of 50. Witch Hazel The powder of this herb is very powerful. You should wash your genital with it once in a week. Source: www.healthtipsportal.comcom NB: Thank goodness for the malls around,walk into one and ask for those items!

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